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Witchcraft in the present

It is not sufficient to say you are a "witch" or to practice magick. You must also live as a witch.

Do not look for excuses for why you cannot follow the path. Accept responsibility for your failures as well as your successes.

Celebrate the phases of the Moon and the changing of seasons. Do so not because it is part of a ritual calendar, but rather because these acts keep you in tune with Nature and Spirit.

Honor Spirit or the Goddess, but recognize that the spirits of all entities in the Universe are equal.

All life is sacred; all acts are ritual. Your actions should reflect your own divinity and that of all beings.

Achieving balance with the Earth is essential for a magickal life.

Responsibility toward the environment and the Earth's inhabitants should be evident in the activities of your daily life.

Do not take more from the Earth than you need to live. We are mere visitors here; the Earth is eternal.

Wealth and fame are not necessary ingredients for a magickal life.

Know that the joy of life is a gift. Know it as a cat knows it, in his bones and blood.

Power is a sacred gift and must be used wisely and with humility. Pride in ones power will ultimately cause failure.

Power should never be used to prove your ability or in any form of competition with others.

Power should be used to create happiness, not sorrow.

Be certain of your intentions when performing any act of magick. Magick is neither good nor evil, positive nor negative. The intentions of the magician determine the path it will take.

Act always with honor and accept responsibility for your actions. It is honorable to protect your loved ones, but be willing to accept the consequences of your actions with honor as well.

Words are sacred, use them wisely.

There is honor in truth.

Your word is sacred. Others must know that they can depend on you absolutely.

Learn to forgive yourself and others.

Knowledge is the foundation of the Craft. Never believe that you know enough.

Teach those who truly wish to learn, but take care that you do not teach those who only wish to serve themselves or harm others.

Teach the Craft with pride, but not to enhance your own pride.

Recognize that even the least knowledgeable of students may offer you lessons you need.

Live your life in a way that is above reproach to the rest of the world. In doing so, you will bring honor to all witches.

Do not be drawn into the feelings of hate and anger expressed by others.

Be able to look into a mirror and be truly unafraid.

Here you will find some brief deffinitions of different kinds of Witches.


Was founded in England in the 1960s, Alex Sanders referred to himself as the "King" of his Witches. The rituals are said to be modified Gardenarian.


This is a mix of Celtic and Gardenarian beliefs. Most famous organization at this time is the Internation Red Garters. British Traditionals move mostly from within the Farrar studies(the famous Witch husband and wife from England.) They too are fairly structured in their beliefs, and train through the degree process. Their covens are also co-ed.


This is the Celtic/Druidic pantheon mixed with a little ritual Gardnerian, and stressin the elments, nature and the Ancient Ones. They had a vast knowledge of and respect for the healing and magickal qualities of plants and stones,flowers,trees,elemental spirits, the little people, gnomes and fairies.


This was once known as the Hecatine Tradition, this denomination of the Craft is Scottish in origin, and still preserves the unique festivals of the Scots.


The followers of this Tradition uses a great deal of ceremonial magick in their practices. Detailed rituals with a flavor of Egyptian magick are sometimes a favorite, or they may use the Qabbalistic magick.


It was first mentioned by Margaret Murray in 1921 in "The Witch Cult in Western Europe," this term appears to include a mixture of various traditions. However, their prime focus in recent years is on the Goddess, and has been pegged as the "feminist" movement of the Craft.


Basically this indicates that the individual does not follow any particular Tradition, denomination,sect, or magickal practice. They learn and study from many magickal systems and apply to themselves what appears to work best.


This Tradition was organized by Geral Garner in England in the 1950s. Gerald was one of the few people so determined that the Old Religion should not die that he took the risk of publicizing it through the media. He understood that the young needed the Craft as much as the Craft needed a new generation to servive.


This is one who can trace their Craft through their family tree.


This kind of Witch practices by hearth and home, dealing with the practical side of religion, magick, the earth and elements. There are some who groan loudly at this type of terminology, viewing it as degrading or simply inappropriate. Juest remembger that the Old Religion started somewhere, and most likely the kitchen(or cookfire) was the hub of many charms, spells, healings, and celebrations. After all, where does everyone congregate during the holidays? Grandma's kitchen has always produced magickal memories for humanity; visions of Mother making that something special for a sick child still holds true today for many of us.


Scottish Witchraft that attunes itself to all aspects of nature:animal, vegetable, and mineral. It is a solitary form of the Craft and mainly magickal in nature with little religion.


Indigenous to South Central Pennsylvania. This is a system, not a religion, based on 400-year-old Elite German magick. Pow-Wow has deteriorated to a great degree into simple faith healing. Although Pow-Wow finds its roots in Ferman Witchcraft, few practicing Pow-Wos today in Pennsylvania follow the Craft or even know the nature of its true birth.


One cannot be a satanic Witch because Witches do not believe in satan.


This type was founded by Raymond Buckland in 1973. Although of Saxon basis, it was aouthored by Raymond himself without breaking his original Gardnerian oath. Raymond Buckland's contribution to the Craft is significant one. Not only did he develop a Tradition that is more than aceptable to many individuals, he also has written a large volume of textbooks on different magickal aspects and practices of the Craft, thereby enhancing many lives in a positive direction.


One who practices alone, regardless of Tradition, denomination, or sect.


They follow a tradition seated in Italy that began around 1353 with a woman called Aradia. Of all the traditional Witches, this group appears to be the smallest in number in the United States, however their teachings are beautiful and should not be missed.


This comes from ancient time the Teutons have been recognized as a group of people who speak the Germanic group of languages. Culturally this included the English, Dutch Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish peoples. This is also known as the Nordic Tradition.

Agate, Botswana
Eases stress and pain of a loss. Reduces anxiety.

Agate, Green Moss
Restores energy and health, bring wearer happiness, emotional balance, wealth, health, and long life

Attracts success, money and luck

Fossils from pine tree resin, they add strength to magick and spells, attract love and increase beauty.

Increases spiritual awareness, used in all workings for peace, love, happiness and protection, used in divination and psychic work

Apache Tears
Carry as a good luck charm.

Increases mental powers, perception and creative insight, gambler's stone

Increases physical strength and courage, brings victory in the courtroom, used to banish, exorcise

Promotes self-confidence and peace, eases depression
Used for healing, protection, peace and wisdom

Reduces emotional involvement, used to gain perspective, increase mental power

Enhances strength and endurance, protection, healing, enhances self-esteem and encourages success in business

Used for grounding, stabilizing, focusing, brings emotional balance
Attracts love and prosperity, and promotes healing and longevity

Jasper, Red
Sends back negativity to it's source, reversing, used for stres

Lapis Lazuli
Stimulates wisdom, truthfulness, psychic awareness, healing

A calming stone, this is carried for peace, spirituality and to drive off negativity.

Lodestone, Green
Draws money, employment, strengthens loyalty, used in bindings

Lodestone, Red
Draws love, friendship, strengthens loyalty, used in bindings

Draws money and protection, guards wearer from danger

Draws love, hope and protection, promotes unselfishness.and helps settle disputes, induces prophetic dreams

Mother of Pearl
Draws money, wealth and protection, relates to the ocean, depth and movement

Used for grounding and centering, divination, and increasing spirituality

Petrified Wood
Good for past life work, nervous conditions, and grounding

Quartz, Rose
Draws love and happiness

Quartz, Smoky
Mood elevator, overcomes negative emotions and depression

Quartz, Yellow
Draws protection, mental awareness. Used in magick to improve visualization

Rock Crystal
Draws protection, psychic ability

Used for meditation, brings wisdom and calms inner conflicts

Tiger's eye
Draws wealth and money, protects travelers, increases clarity of thought

Tourmaline, Black
Used for grounding and absorbing negative energy
Herbs and stones
Herb/Plant Magickal Properties and Uses
Acacia Protection, psychic powers
Allspice Money, luck, healing
Almond Money, prosperity, wisdom
Amber For stability, self-confidence, and peace
Ambergris To awacken love and emotion
Angelica Root Used for protection and exorcism and to cause visions
Anise Protection, purification, youth
Apple Blossom For love and friendship
Balm of Gilead Attract new love, mend broken heart, protection, healing
Bayberry Money, good luck, peace, harmony, well-being
Benzoin Purification, prosperity
Bergamot Money, hex-breaking
Blessed Thistle For purification and protection from evil, used in hex-breaking spells
Buckeye Carry to attract money and to ward off aches and pains
Camphor To awaken past life memories, stimulates psychic awareness
Carnation Protection, strength, healing, vitality
Catnip Creates a psychic bond with cats, attracts good spirits, love and luck
Cedar Healing, courage, purification, protection, money, hex-breaking
Chamomile For sleep and meditation, and to attract money
Cherry Divination, love
Cinnamon Lust, love, success, power, psychic awareness, healing, protection
Clove Money, love, lust, exorcism, protection
Clover Protection, money, love, fidelity, success, exorcism
Coltsfoot Draws peace and tranquility, promotes visions, also used in spells involving animals
Comfrey For safety during travel and to draw money
Cyclemen To draw love and truth
Cypress For comfort and solace, to ease feelings of loss
Damiana Used for lust and love
Dragon's Blood Power amplifier, protection, love, banishing, potency
Eucalyptus Healing, protection
Five Finger Grass (cinquefoil) Protection, prophetic dreams, wisdom, and success in court cases
Frankincense Spirituality, protection, exorcism, consecration
Galangal For courage, strength, and for avoiding legal problems
Gardenia Love, peace, healing, spirituality
Geranium For fertility, health and love
Ginger Success, power, money, love
Ginseng For attracting love, luck and health
Gota Kola Meditation
Heliotrope To attract money and gain power
Hemlock To induce astral projection, to purify magickal knives or swords
Hibiscus For love, lust, divination
Honeysuckle Money drawing, psychic awareness, memory, healing, power,honesty
Hops Healing, sleep
Hyacinth For love and protection
Hyssop Purification, protection
Jasmine Love, prophetic dreams, money, sleep, love, healing, health, meditation
John the Conqueror Money, love, happiness, hex-breaking, protection
Juniper Berries Protection, health, increases psychic powers
Lavender Chastity, love, peace, happiness, clairvoyance, longevity, sleep, protection
Lemon Longevity, purification, love, friendship
Lemongrass For lust, psychic powers and to repel snakes
Lilac Protection, banishing
Lily of the Valley For peace, harmony and love
Lotus Spirituality, love, protection
Magnolia Peace, nature spells, hair growth
Mandrake For protection, fertility, money and love
Marigold Protection, prophetic dreams, legal matters, psychic powers
Mistletoe Protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism
Mugwart Strength, psychic powers, healing, astral projection
Musk Courage, fertility, lust
Myrrh Spirituality, healing, protection, exorcism, transformation, consecration
Narcissus For peace and harmony
Nutmeg Fidelity, luck, money, health
Orange Divination, love, luck, money
Orange Blossom For beauty, love
Orris For love
Passion Flower Peace, sleep, friendship
Patchouli Fertility, lust, money, protection, divination
Pennyroyal For strength, protection, peace
Peppermint Love, psychic awareness, lust, mental stimulant, energy
Pine Healing, protection, exorcism, fertility, money
Plumeria For love
Primrose For protection and love
Rose Love, beauty, psychic powers, divination, healing, luck, protection
Rose Geranium Protection, fertility, love, health
Rosemary Mental powers, youth, protection, love, lust, purification, sleep, exorcism
Rue Healing, mental powers, protection, love
Sage Wisdom, animal guides, wishes, immortality
Sandalwood Spirituality, protection, wishes, healing, exorcism
Sassafras Health and money
Spearmint Healing, love, mental powers
Spikenard For good luck, fidelity, and health
Strawberry Love, luck and beauty
Sweet Pea For friendship, courage and strength
Tangerine Psychic powers, mental powers
Tea Tree Healing, anti-fungal
Tonka Beans Love, money, courage, wishes
Vanilla Magickal powers, mental powers, love, lust, rejuvenation
Vervain Love, protection, purification, peace, money, youth, healing
Vetivert Hex breaking, peace, luck, love, protection, exorcism
Violet Animal guide work, wishes, peace, love, luck, lust, protection
Witches Grass Happiness, lust, love, exorcism
Wormwood Psychic powers, calling spirits, protection, love
Yarrow Flowers Courage, love, psychic powers, exorcism
Yerba Santa Beauty, healing, psychic powers, protection
Ylang Ylang Love, lust, peace

To begin with you must choose something as a "marker" for the Pentagram. This should be something small and plentiful--every year you will add one more. I use peridots for my markers, but other items such as sea pearls, pebbles from the beach work well. You should keep in mind that this needs to be something that will stand the test of time. Plant products, such as resin (frankincense or myrrh), berries or seeds, are not a good choice.

You will also need 6 candles, one for each point of the pentagram. The pentagram is said to represent the human form; the top point is your head, the side points your arms and the bottom points your feet. In this ritual, the pentagram represents you. A candle is placed at each point and in the middle. The colour of the candle and how you bless it will depend on your wish (petition) for each point. The center candle is a general wish for the upcoming year. The top point represents what you wish to receive spiritually this year. The right side point of the pentagram (keep in mind that this will be to your left--the pentagram's right as it faces you) represents what you wish to receive this year on a material level and the left side point represents what you pledge to give this year on a material level. The right bottom point represents where you wish your path to lead and the left bottom point represents what you pledge to leave behind you as you go.

PERSONALIZING YOUR RITUAL: Take the time to plan each wish and each candle carefully. For each individual candle, I choose a specific God/Goddess and select 3 herbs, an oil, and a very small crystal appropriate to that particular God/Goddess as well as a petition to say for each one. By use tealight candles for this ritual, the candles can be popped out of their foil container and a pinch of each herb plus the crystal are placed beneath in the foil, the candle is anointed with oil and then returned to the foil. When done this way, the flame gives an extra burst of energy right before it goes out. This part can be personalized however you choose to express your wishes. The type of candle you use and what elements you wish to use for each point is entirely up to you.

SETTING UP: Use your markers to form the outline of the pentagram--how many you will have depends on how old you are. When determining how many you need, keep in mind that you are asking for the year ahead. For example, on your 32nd birthday, you will be making wishes for the 33rd year of your life; therefore you will need to use 33 markers. Set the markers out with the top point facing north, left is to the east and right is to the west in invoking direct--start at top to right bottom point to left side point to right side point to left bottom point and then back to top. Once you have laid out the markers, place you candles, petitions, offerings at the points.

THE RITUAL: To be performed solitary! Cleanse yourself and your area; call the directions; cast your circle; call upon the God/Goddess for their blessings in your own preferred fashion. Light the candles, staring with the center candle, then the top (be careful not to get burnt by the center candle, watch the robe sleeve), the right side, the left side, the right bottom and the left bottom. As you light each candle, state your petition (wish). Allow candle to burn completely (Candles should burn entirely on your birthday so make sure to start early and use smaller candles--not for 7 day candles). Close the ritual and allow the candles to remain burning. Once the candles have burnt out, retain the markers for next year and toss the crystals into a river.

Three Times Three Spell
To have someone see his errors

This is a three times three spell to use on people who were corrupt in their ways. It has no negative consequence unless you think ill of the person while casting the spell.

Wind in the north, run through the trees
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Sands of the east, rich soils beneath
Three times three, set them free, set them free
Fires in the south, awaken from sleep
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Water of the west, flow to the seas
Three times three, set them free, set them free
It works best if you have something representing that person, like a strand of their hair or a fingernail. The spell may not work instantaneously, you may have to repeat it for the person to see error in their ways. Please be sure you're not being hypocritical, because that may cause negative feedback.. So, all warnings given, blessed be!

Spell for Bullies
This is used to stop people who are bullying or upsetting you and hopefully to make them friends.
You wil need:
1 Glass bowl full with water.
1 pinch of sugar
Blossom petals (any color will do)
4 drops of olive oil


Chant the following spell 4 times. Every time you say the spell add 1 of the 4 drops to your bowl of water. Put the blossoms in the water but so they float on the surface of the water. Then put the pinch of sugar in. After you've done the spell, put the blossoms that were in your water in a circle and pour the solution (water) over the flowers.

Let (person's name) be
Rid of evil,
Rid of sin.
Rid of jealousy and hatred within.
Let (him/her) learn to live & work with others especially me,
Go spirit you are free.
May (him/her) be guided by nature.

Happiness/Comfort Spell
You need
Jasmine oil
Freshly picked flower (any kind will do)
Paper + Pen

Write down on a piece of paper who or what makes you sad or angry and burn the paper saying: "I burn this paper to bring me happiness."

Then drip the jasmine oil on the flowers and burn the flowers saying: "I burn these flowers to bring me comfort." Pour the ashes into the container while saying: "Akasha (the goddess), bring me happiness and bring me comfort." Repeat it three times then put the container somewhere cool. (i.e. fridge).