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A few spells of Protection

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Circle of Time

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Modern Witchcraft

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A place to rest

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A quiet Place for rest

this is lovingly dedicated to Katrina... my larp charachter.. who's trying to be a poet.


The evil man smiles
The child begins to cry,
The dead roll over in their graves,
The living start to die.
The sky falls all around you,
The ground rocks and groans.
The birds cease their singing.
Young women become crones.

And if I told you all of this,
And told you it was true,
And these things began to start,
It would mean the end of you.
And if I tried to save this place,
And the power was in my grasp,
And these things happened in the future,
I couldn't save the past.

So people say I'm lying,
So people say I'm wrong.
So maybe it won't happen,
So my words will not last long.
But you are reading them,
So maybe you will head,
And as this life is ending.
It's time for the dead to leave.


Death of silence. A healers Song

We stood in line on enemy land
With armor, shield and weapons to hand.
We faced across the battle line,
and prayed to Gods it was not time.
A chilling scream swept through the field,
A bleeding youth cried to be healed.
Metal sparked as swords clashed
And people bled as weapons crashed.
Fear and noise echoed through my head,
the field littered with our dead.
I cannot breathe, I cannot move,
I stand and wonder what this proves.
Blood on my hands, I watch them die,
I rehearse the words with which I'll lie.
'They died in battle, brave and true,
they did what any noble man would do.'
The words are empty to me here,
What will they mean to those held dear?
My power spent, and weak am I
I cannot help those doomed to die.
Bandages only do I hold.
A weakened, unarmed shepherd with her fold.
I cannot keep the wolves at bay,
too many sheep will die this day.
I close my eyes and count to ten,
I am not sure I could watch again.
The screams, the tears, the calls of pain.
The warm wet sounds of freshly slain.
With renewed courage called to mind,
with bandages I try to bind
the life within these bleeding shells,
as I walk through this living hell.
The light of day leaves this mess,
the screams of crying and distress.
Walking through the lines of blood,
my feet encased in death and mud,
I offer comfort where I can.
The same prayers from when the fight began.
I can offer nothing now my dears,
except hollow words to ease your fears.
I sink into my black despair,
and think of tales where life is fair.
I close my eyes and count to ten,
and swear to myself, never again
  I know it's quite peculiar
for a warrior to write rhymes.
I'm pretty sure today though
it's the least of all my crimes.
It's been my quest for years now
the killing and the death
but now I lay here bleeding
I feel I must confess.

Now my bones are broken
and my inards are without
revenge was slow in coming
of that I'm in no doubt.
The children I've left crying
the young ones I have killed
the wars from which I've walked away
the graves I've left unfilled.

I've always been a fighter
fought my battles, every one
before I've always left alive
but now my life is done
I call upon the heavens
to judge me well and true
i'm sorry for my past now
so much i would undo

the world gets dark around me
my breathing cases pain
and i swear I'd do it diferently
If I could do it all again
i wouldn't lift my sword so high
i wouldn't take a life
I'd settle down instead lord
make children.Take a wife

I'll close my eyes now great one
my life is in your hands
i'll breath my last now master
and hear the final sands
i'll walk into the darkness
the cold and lonely place
let no one say I died lord
with tears upon my face.

Call forth the darkness
put out the light
a thousand dreamings
now take flight.
Put away hopes
daylight dissaperes to night
loose all your glories
hide them from sight.

When pain and hatred
become your all
and death awaits
you hear it's call.
Pack away your life
and to your knees fall
and turn your face
unto the wall