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More spells

I discovered I have more spells than one page can I spread!


Here is good spell for getting rid of an unwanted suitor.
Take a small square of paper and write on it the name of the annoying
would-be lover. Use black ink for this. Many Gypsies also say that it
is best to use one of the old "dip" pens and ink, rather than a modern
ballpoint, but you could experiment. Let the ink dry; don't blot it.
Then light a white candle and burn the piece of paper in its flame while
thinking of the person running away from you. Catch the ashes in something
(burning the paper over an ashtray is a good idea) and carry them out to a
hillside (you can do this by putting them in a small plastic bag, similar).
There you must place the ashes on the upturned palm of your right hand and
hold it up, saying:

"Winds of the North, East, South and West, Carry these affections to
where they'll be best. Let her/his heart be open and free, And let her/his
mind be away from me."

Then blow on the ashes so that they scatter to the winds.

Spell to Reverse a Curse

What you need:

1 white candle
1 black candle (should be smaller then the white one)
1 wide-mouth glass jar with a lid
1 toothpick (athame may be used as well)
two pie pans (or other container to catch the melting wax)
A small mirror

Put the white candle in one pan and the black in the other. Light each
candle. As the candles burn, chant the following and push your energy into the candles:

"I burn these candles, one white, one black
To reverse the curse of ___persons name___ attack.
I call to the wind to blow the curse back!
I call to the sun to burn him/her with his/her own attack!
I call to the trees to make the curse grow!
I call to the air to make
the curse follow where ever he/she shall go!
I am a mirror and I reflect the curse back!"

Now you must wait and let the candles burn completely down.
While you are waiting, take the mirror and wrap it in the cloth and tie it shut.
Smash the cloth until the mirror is broken. When the black has burned down, pour
the black wax into the jar and let dry. Using the toothpick, inscribe his/her
name into the black. Open the cloth and put the broken mirror pieces on top
(throw the cloth away). Pour the white candle wax on top of the glass and let cool.
Using the toothpick, inscribe the following:

"I am protected as long as the white covers the black."
Close the jar tightly and bury in a safe place. As long as the white covers
the black you should be protected from any curses he/she puts on you and the
affects should go back to that person.

* Stay Away Spell *

On a Saturday night during the Waning Moon, collect your ingredients,
and go to a place where you can be alone for at least 15 minutes.

*A picture of the intended
*Black cloth
*Black thread or cord
*A picture of yourself
*White candles

Place white candles about your alter. Cast the circle and try to relax
your mind and concentrate on the work to be done. Take the picture of the
intended in your hands and say this:

________, Stay away!
You are not welcome, this I say!
________, Go away!
You cannot harm in any way!

Wrap the black cloth around the picture and bind it with the cord or thread. Say this:

You who would harm, You who would maim,
If you proceed, You'll face the same.
With cloth and cord, Of darkest night,
I've bound your deed, With shining light.
You cannot harm, So stay away,
I am protected, Both night and day.

With this, the spell is done. Put the package into the freezer until
morning, and then throw it in a garbage bin off your property, and walk
or drive away without looking back. Carry the picture of yourself in your
pocket or in your purse, knowing that you are protected from their harm.