The path

A few spells of Protection

Katrina's page

The egyptian book of the dead

Visiting Ghosts

Wandering Ghosts

Circle of Time

More spells of Protection

Modern Witchcraft

Spells for the like minded

A place to rest

Larp evidence

Places to Visit

Guest Book...


Places to Visit

Places I have found myself whilst putting this site together that are worth sharing
Have a look, and be inspired...Or amused!

We are always watching

Here there be dragons This is where I got my pet dragons, and my warder.

Dark Enigmas Look for found in an Antideluvian file......very funny
A message board for all those with time on their hands!Hey, I took the time to set upo a chat page, you can take the time to say hello! *grin*

More cool sites
The Witches WebFor more information then I could possibly fit here go to this site for anything and everything!
The Order of the BronzeAswell as being a witch, I am also a Larper.There are a couple of links here to do with that side of my life, this one is a group I am a member of, the site is only new, and theres not all that much there yet....but I am sure there will be!
Tarantulas Bawd The Tarantuals is a faction within the role play world of Edreja....I am...for my sins...a member of this Faction...we're nice really!
The Ley Nexus This is the bigger bawd, for all factions, guilds etc have to register to look in, but it's worth it if your interested!
The Lorien Trust The guys who run the larger events (the gathering the moots the Heartland Games) this is their official site!
Sigil And just incase I didn't do enough role playing, I also play here...which is avery good online roll play thing....
Be a priest! in a matter of minutes you too can be a priest! Just another of the joys of America.... or at least a reason that I'm glad I'm English!.... I am now an official priest.. call me Rev!
Though technically I'm a priestess..... I think the Goddess and the God will find this as funny as I did!

All the Boyz.. Viper Boyz okay.. so, not a tarantula any more, was bribed into the vipers... heres where you can find them