The path

A few spells of Protection

Katrina's page

The egyptian book of the dead

Visiting Ghosts

Wandering Ghosts

Circle of Time

More spells of Protection

Modern Witchcraft

Spells for the like minded

A place to rest

Larp evidence

Places to Visit

Guest Book...


The Vampire's Kiss

Welcome wanderer. Stay a while, sit before the fire and relax.
Wander round feel at home. Try not to feed the Dragons, they're very....eager!

All are welcome here, and some have chosen to stay, you will see them throughout this place
In Visisting Ghosts , and now wandering ghosts you will find a growing collection of poetry that I did not write. These are poems written by people kind enough to send me poetry, and even more kindly allowed me to display them in virtual glory. I usually find a suitable picture to go with it, though if you have a photo or picture you would like to go with your poem, send it aswell
All the rest of the poems are mine.. so feel free to mock them

send submissions to

Book Of Shadows Blessing

Hearken as the Witch's word
Calls the Lady and the Lord
Moon above and earth below
Sky's cool blue and sun's hot glow,
In this right and ready hour,
Fill these pages with thy power.
May no unprepared eye to see
The secrets which entrusted be.
To I who walk the hidden road
To find the hearthstone's calm abode.
Guardians from the four directions,
Hear me and lend Thy protection:
May these truths of Earth and Skies
Shielded be from prying eyes.
But to the witches whose map this be
May the way be plain to see;
And through all the coming ages,
May we find home in these pages.
So mote it be!

sign my guest book

My warder. He will see to it that you do not break anything,
You are one of 28558 lost souls to wander here. Blessed Be.
To read what is in the book of the dead.