The path

A few spells of Protection

Katrina's page

The egyptian book of the dead

Visiting Ghosts

Wandering Ghosts

Circle of Time

More spells of Protection

Modern Witchcraft

Spells for the like minded

A place to rest

Larp evidence

Places to Visit

Guest Book...


Here we have guest poets,
people who have wandered through and left me a mark
if you have anything you want to see here then send it to me email address, which is around the front page.

Rehab. A.G.Taylor
I look around at my life in tatters
Remembering the tears I cried
Feeling like nothing else matters
No matter how hard I tried

The empty space thats in my chest
The ragged hole you ripped
The dull aching in my breast
My dignity has been stripped

I Walk to who knows where
I wander in the rain
Wondering what will be there
Will it take away my pain

I did everything that I could
I tried to do whats right
I let her go just like I should
I lost my final fight

So remember the times that we had
Remeber them and smile
And I will think of you and be glad
For we were one for a while.
Sorry. A.G.Taylor
Sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I lied
Sorry for what I didnt do
Sorry that you cried

Sorry it all went wrong
Sorry for your pain
Sorry it last that long
I am sorry once again

Sorry that you hurt me
Sorry you werent there
Sorry for the tears you dont see
You dont even seem to care

Sorry for the long and lonely nights
Sorry you had to go
Sorry for all the unclean dirty sights
Sorry for what I didnt know

Sorry for giving in
Sorry for breakfast in bed
Sorry for the original sin
Sorry for the thoughts in your head

Sorry that I still care
Sorry I cant smile or sing
Sorry because you arent there
I am sorry for everything.
Love is..... A.G.Taylor
Love is when I wake up to your warm and friendly face
Love is when I feel safe because of you in any strange or new place
Love is knowing what you are thinking without you having to say
Love is never getting bored of seeing you day after day
Love is being able to sit and hold hands
Love is promising to take you to far and exotic lands

Love is enjoying the smell of your hair
Love is being there for you when life isnt fair
Love is making you breakfast in bed
Love is listening to every word you have said
Love is walking with you through the rain and the snow
Love is taking you where ever you want to go

Love is always having a kind word to say
Love is when I realise you do have bad days
Love is being there with a hug and a kiss
Love is telling you it is you that I miss
Love is lying and watching blue skies
And love is finding all of my answers when I gaze in your eyes
Tread... A.G.Taylor
The wooden floor of my house it creaks
I hear its voice as it speaks
It tells me of the people past
For it time flows so fast
The people who have lived and died
The people who have failled but tried

The cold stone walls show such things
The little girl as she sings
The old couple asleep in bed
The children dreaming full of dread
The passing of clouds and of stars
The cupboards filled with tins and jars

The doors hide all form of sins
They keep the screams and moans and cries in
Used to keep babes in bed
When their screams pierce your head
You close them to keep the bad world out
When your own sanity you begin to doubt.
I watch the stars that fill the sky
I sit and think and wonder why
Questions flow through my mind
Looking for answers I hope I will find
The answers to those little things
Answers to questions that make me grin.

I sit and watch the full round moon
sitting in the night sky like a glorious silver spoon
Shining down a cleansing light
I marvel at the awesome sight
It makes me realise just how small were are
Looking so huge and yet so far

I sit and watch the burning sun
I remeber all my childhood fum
The places that I used to go
All the people I used to know
Although I miss the past somehow
I realise I am here and now.

To get in contact with A.G.Taylor, then use the following address
Friends. By Carli Behr

If one day you feel like crying.
Call me.
I don't promise that I will make you laugh,
But I can cry with you.

If one day you want to run away,
Call me.
I don't promise to ask you to stop...
But I can run with you.

If one day you don't want to listen to anyone...
Call me.
I promise to be there for you.
And I promise to be very quiet.

But if one day you call...
And there is no answer...
Come fast to see me.
Maybe I need you.


If you prick me, do I not bleed?
If you tickle me, do I not laugh?
If you hurt me, do I not cry?
I am human, I have feelings too.
Stuff by Stevie

Cold dead skin
Reflects the light of the moon,
Still you move
By my window
You call to me
Through the dark of the night
Make it soon

The cold sinks through
Cold grass;
Wet and damp
Would shiver
But still unfeeling
Nothing else but you
And the call you make to me

Hard as iron
Cold as stone;
Need life to be warm
You called for me-
Fresh and hot
Kind and giving;
Share with you

Red on your lips
Blush in your cheeks
An angel come to take me,
Save me
From my own cell of iron;
Cold as stone