The path

A few spells of Protection

Katrina's page

The egyptian book of the dead

Visiting Ghosts

Wandering Ghosts

Circle of Time

More spells of Protection

Modern Witchcraft

Spells for the like minded

A place to rest

Larp evidence

Places to Visit

Guest Book...


Apparently My Visiting Poets Page was more popular than I had allowed for.. so they have wandered.. keep sending them in guys

3 by Stevie
Giver of Dreams
Ripper of Seams

Taker of Agony
Bringer of Insanity

Masker of Truth
Skip over my roof

Down will come soon
The herald of your Doom

2 by Stevie

Eyes so bright
In the Middle
Of the night
Almost saw
In the light
Just as dawn
Cast its sight
Across you great expanse

1 by Stevie
Inspirer of shade
Keeper of darkness
30 pieces of silver
To the betrayer paid

Keeper of the night
You hide in the mist
Caster of shadows
Over the dawn so bright

But the light shines still
Liquid gold runs through
Mingles with the blood of Christ
Hope you've had your fill

to contact Stevie, use the following